Youth Champions.

We help organisations and communities shape their services and programmes in more youth-centred ways. Having young people authentically involved in design & collaboration (co-design process) supports organisations to positively achieve their outcomes whilst championing the well-being of young people.

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Our Vision.

Youth Champions are an organisation committed to changing the way other youth friendly organisations engage with young people. Too often organisations are making decisions for young people rather than with them! Authentic youth engagement is the result of having young people sharing responsibility to challenge the status quo and create positive social change. This means involving young people in the planning and decision making processes that affect themselves and others. 

Working with young people means continuing to stay fresh and relevant; we love finding new and innovative ways to engage with young people and aspire to grow our skills and the capacity of your organisation. Don't let your organisation get behind the times, young people move fast, move with them.

Because… If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got!


“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” 

- Franklin D. Roosevelt


Our Change Makers.

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Meet Kiesha

Kiesha is a social worker who is an absolute champion of all things young people. Kiesha has worked in Palmerston North for the past 10 years helping young people (10-25+ years) become the best version of themselves. She enjoys taking on meaningful projects with young people to tackle local challenges within their community. Kiesha loves every opportunity to work alongside and connect with other youth friendly organisations to achieve the best outcomes for young people.

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Join our crew?

  • Are you creative, flexible and can think outside the box?

  • Are you passionate about creating meaningful change?

  • Do you have life experience and love working alongside young people?

Let us know if you’re keen on becoming a champion for young people!